

20FebruaryIntroducing the hospital
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In addition to providing health services to the armed forces, the center is currently contracted with 40 centers or insurance companies and the insurers of those centers can benefit from health, medical, specialized and sub-specialized services.

In addition to providing health services, this center has had scientific and research interactions with other important scientific and research centers of the country due to its .significant educational and research activities and trains specialized and sub-specialized staff of medical sciences

The physical structure of this center is concentrated in the form of 3 interconnected ridges on 16 floors and has an operating room equipped with about 500 doctors who are engaged in medical activities.

This center leads to Mulla Sadra Street from the north, Shahid Hemmat Highway from the south, Kharazmi Street from the west and Sheikh Baha'i Street from the east. In addition to the main building, the hospital has an equipped clinic and this subspecialty center currently has 57 inpatient wards, which in addition to inpatients has a large clinic that is provided to outpatients on a daily basis due to the variety of specialists and subspecialists.

This center has equipped paraclinical wards, that the presence of pathology, MRI, CT scan, nuclear medicine, sonography, cardiac angiography and cerebral angiography distinguishes this center from other centers and thousands of patients use the center's clinical and paraclinical services daily.

In this complex, all the women enter with veil and others must prepare a veil to enter the hospital door and enter with a veil cover and also do not have makeup.

In this center, for the welfare of more clients, 4 internal TV channels have been considered for the comfort and well-being of the clients, who use its various programs in the hospital and clinic while they are in the hospital. The service complex in the Patient Education Club for all patients is located on the ground floor of the hospital, which is equipped for patient education and has a special qualitative and quantitative richness.

In the end, we remind you that all the efforts of the officials and staff of this complex are to provide the hospital clients in a calm, safe environment, while preserving Islamic values, observing the charter of patients' rights, treating the client based on respecting the client and mutual respect, so that patients can only think about their treatment without any worries or liberating issues, and God willing, they can leave this collection with full satisfaction, which is our heart's desire.


Tuesday 4/23/2019
Vanak Square, Mulla Sadra Street, after Sheikh Bahayi, Baqiyatallah Al'Azam Hospital


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Tuesday 4/23/2019
All rights reserved for Baqiyatallah al-A'zam (AS) Hospital