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What is the flu disease? What is the cause of the disease? How is the pathway of the disease? What are the symptoms of the disease? What is the treatment of the disease? What is a proprietary drug? What are the preventive ways? Is there a vaccine for effective disease? What vaccine is recommended for anyone? What are the complications of the disease and in which population groups?
Every year, with the onset of cold season, respiratory infections and colds spread in different societies. Some cases of these infections are more severe, including the flu. Influenza virus has a lot of variations and it appears in nature in different intensities. The main reservoir and source of these viruses are poultry, birds and sometimes mammalian animals and human cases. Influenza virus has the essence of genetic change and therefore it has a particular and relatively difficult process to fight it and control the spread of disease. In our country there is a limited and indigenous condition. But in some cases in cold seasons, we encounter episodes of this disease, which in some cases can be imported from different countries.
The recent epidemic was due to the spread of the virus from the H1N1 subtype, which began mainly in the southeastern part of the country. Due to the accumulation of the virus in the upper respiratory tract and expanding through respiratory secretions, it can be spread by sneezing, coughing and even talking.

The best way to control a disease is to take it easy and inexpensive. Observe the precautions for contact and care for respiratory secretions when talking, sneezing, and coughing. Continuous hand washing, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, observing the distance with people with symptoms (about one meter), covering the face (mouth and nose), especially during sneezing and coughing, can easily prevent transmission and spread of the disease. The disease is comparable with seasonal and native vaccines against the preventable virus, which is recommended in adults at the beginning of autumn in the form of muscle and single dose and two doses of one month in children.
Vaccines for seniors and people with underlying illnesses are recommended. The inhalable form of the virus, which is a weakened form, can be used in healthy and immunocompromised children. Injectable vaccine can be used in people with different conditions except those with a history of egg allergy.

Preparation: Ahmad Shahidifar

Tuesday 4/23/2019
Vanak Square, Mulla Sadra Street, after Sheikh Bahayi, Baqiyatallah Al'Azam Hospital


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Tuesday 4/23/2019
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