

25AprilBypass OR Open Heart Surgery
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Dr. Hamid Reza Taghipour, Faculty Member of University and Cardiac surgeon

Imagine being on a highway. An incident creates traffic in front of you. The emergency crew changes the direction of the cars and directs them to a path other than the blocked area. As a result, you will easily be able to bypass the blocked area and return to the main road again. Coronary artery bypass surgery is a surgical procedure in which the flow of blood  from a path that is blocked or torn and diverted to the path The other is directed to bring blood flow to the heart tissue to its previous condition. By creating a new pathway in the heart, coronary artery bypass grafting improves blood flow to the heart muscle. The surgeon removes vessel from the other part of the body and places it in the heart at the desired location to return or increase the blood flow again in that part of the heart muscle. The result is that blood and oxygen will return to your heart again.

Are you eligible for coronary artery bypass graft surgery?


Diagnostic tests will help your doctor determine the location, type, and severity of your coronary artery disease. Based on the results of these tests, such as heart structure, age, severity of symptoms, alternative treatments and lifestyle, the cardiologist will decide which treatments are the best way to solve your problem.
It may be possible to combine CABG surgery with other cardiac surgery, such as valvular surgery, aortic aneurysm rupture surgery, or atrial fibrillation surgery (irregular heartbeat) to obtain the best results for the patient.

How is heart beat operated?

Before surgery
Before you undergo a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), you need to complete a series of tests to prepare for this. For example, blood, echocardiography, and shooting from the cabinet will listen to you. He will guide you about food, drink, and medications before surgery. You will also be reminded of things that you must stop (such as quitting smoking). You will be admitted to the hospital on the same day of surgery. If coronary artery bypass grafting indicates severe blockage in the coronary arteries (heart), you may immediately be admitted to the hospital. Bypass may be done on the same day or next day.

The process of action
Before surgery, you undergo general anesthesia. In fact, you are not asleep during your practice. As a result, you will not feel pain during surgery. When you are unconscious, the heart surgeon creates a cut about 20 to 25 centimeters across your chest. Your chest bones are also broken up to allow the heart to reach the surgeon. This allows the surgeon to see the heart, the heart and vessels aorta. Most people undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery are connected to a special device called the "cardiopulmonary bypass" or bypass pump.
When you are connected to this device, your heart stops.

How long will the process of arterial artery bypass surgery last?
Depending on the number of transplanted arteries, surgery generally lasts 3 to 5 hours.

After surgery

A coronary artery bypass graft surgery is a heavy surgeon. One in two days after the bypass surgery, you will be in the care unit. There, heart rate, blood pressure, respiration and other vital signs are monitored continuously. The respiratory tract remains in your mouth until you become intelligent and able to breathe. Also, lethargy in heart patients is one of the signs of heart disease. In order to prevent any complications, you will most likely stay at the hospital for one week, after which you can be discharged. Once you are discharged from the hospital, it will be difficult for you to continue doing routine tasks or even walking for a short distance. If you experience any of the following signs and symptoms after returning home, contact your doctor. These warning signs may indicate an infection in your chest trauma:

The recovery period is expected to last about 6 to 12 weeks. In most cases, you can start work, exercise and sexual activity after four to six weeks, but before you do this, you must have your doctor's permission.

Follow-up care after heart surgery

After surgery, many people will feel better and may not get heart symptoms for 10 to 15 years. But over time, it is possible that the other arteries, or even the newly grafted vein, will suffer from stenosis and the person will need to rejoin bypass or angioplasty. Although bypass surgery improves blood flow to the heart, it does not cure coronary artery disease. Effective treatment results will last as long as you take the following: Take regular medication to prevent blood clotting and control your blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes. Healthy lifestyle is highly effective in the sustainability of treatment outcomes, including the following:

the National Heart, Blood and Lung Organization).

In addition to lifestyle changes, in most cases a cardiac rehabilitation program is recommended by the doctor for the patient. Cardiac rehabilitation is a therapeutic plan that includes special exercises and training. This app is designed for everyone based on their particular circumstances, so that their cardiac function improves. The heart rehab program is used after heart attacks or other cardiac surgeries to help improve the condition of the patient. Often, heart rehab begins when you are still in the hospital. This program will continue under the supervision of the doctor until you can easily follow it back home.


Tuesday 4/23/2019
Vanak Square, Mulla Sadra Street, after Sheikh Bahayi, Baqiyatallah Al'Azam Hospital


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Tuesday 4/23/2019
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